Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Biting my tongue...

There are days when my job sucks… today was one of them.

In the corporate world sometimes you need to listen have to sit there and politely listen to people’s words and whatever comes out of their mouth.  When in reality all you want to do is jump across the conference room table and smack some sense into the dumbass who is pitching their story to you.  Let me share today’s story…

A mother came in and began telling her story about dealing with a child (who is now an adult) who has epilepsy.  The trials and tribulations of what the family and her daughter had to endure.  Her daughter’s case was quite severe most of her life and now as an adult she has supposedly been able to manage her epilepsy, for the most part, with medication.  For the first time in her adult life this ladies daughter has gotten her drivers license.  An accomplishment that the family thought they would never see.  I began to feel like this was going to be a heartfelt meeting with a happy ending…

Until we start to close up the meeting.  The lady admitted that her daughter is still having seizures despite the medication working and how her daughter is still driving.  But ensured us and tried to reassure us that it was ok for her to drive.  That her daughter doesn’t drive with her children in the car for fear of an accident or something happening to her kids while she is behind the wheel.  That her daughter is only driving short distances now days.  So as I start to clench my fists and bite my tongue, I wonder if these people have ever thought about or even considered the rest of us.  What about the safety of other drivers on the road and their passengers, who may very well be children!  What about the time when her daughter does have a seizure and loses control of her car and hits someone, is it ok then?  Today was one of those moments in life where I couldn’t directly say to them that they are a dumbass, but was surely thinking it.