Monday, August 15, 2011


Some people believe and live in a “structured” world.  A place where there is organization!  And quite possibly rules!  What if someone took away that structure for one entire day?  Would you be able to survive?  or would the freedom consume and devour you?


How many of us out there check our horoscopes like it’s our daily life line?  This tiny paragraph of our days ‘outcome’ is like our drug of choice to start our day.  Perhaps we half want these daily predictions to fair warn us in some way to just stay home and stay in bed?  I can’t dispute the fact that once in a while these daily horoscopes have a bit of eerie truth to them.  For instance today’s had hints familiarity…

So thank you Twittascope for reminding me today that I dislike friends who lie and how I’m an independent person! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Surviving JJO Band Camp

First and foremost, the key to surviving any outdoor festival is to:

Remember where you park... if this means taking a picture of your vehicle, license plate or anything memorable around the vicinity; this is highly encouraged! 

Everyone setting off their car alarms at the same time at the end of the night looking for their vehicle draws to much attention.

Be ready to witness anything! 

There will be at least one person wearing leopard print.  (there always is at least one!) 

 Be ready to deal with drunk people. 

Again there is always at least one drunk at an outdoor festival!  (who am I kidding... there is usually more than one, I'm just being nice) 

And here we have the drunks congregating front row, trying to get their second wind before the next set.  

And this girl will always be there...